ISU 文件夾 (16-17赛季)
ISU规则文件网页 ▶连结
Handbook (手冊)
▶Technical Panel Handbook - Single Skating (2016.07.26 更新)
▶PCS Chart (2016.08.12 更新)
▶Special Regulations and Technical Rules (2016.08.23 更新)
▶ISU Communication 2000 - BV, Levels & GOE Guidelines (2016.07.14 更新)
▶ISU Communication 2014 - Single & Pair Skating: Changes accepted by 56th ISU Congress (2016.06.15 更新) ▶资讯台中译
▶ISU Communication 2027 - List of Referees, Judges, Technical Controllers/Specialists & other operators (2016.06.15 更新)
▶PCS 旧规则 (Components with Explanations)
▶Media Guide (2016.10.06 更新)
▶GP Entries for All Disciplines
▶Skate Canada ISU Technical Document Info Centre